Buy Poly aluminum chloride. PAC Price

Poly aluminum chloride(PAC)

41 Views from Wednesday 15 May 2024
Discover premium poly aluminum chloride (PAC) for industrial and drinking water treatment in the UAE. High efficiency, purity, and compliance with international standards. Contact us today!
  • Packing : Kilogram
  • Package type : Bag
  • Description
  • Additional Information

Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) is a highly efficient coagulant used in water treatment processes. We offer top-quality PAC in two grades: Industrial and Drinking, catering to a wide range of applications. Our PAC ensures superior performance, high purity, and reliable results for your water treatment needs in the UAE.


Key Features and Benefits

  • High Efficiency: Exceptional coagulation and flocculation properties.
  • Wide Application Range: Suitable for both industrial and drinking water treatment.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduces sludge volume and overall treatment costs.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Minimizes residual aluminum content in treated water.


Poly Aluminum Chloride Grades

Industrial Grade

  • Applications: Ideal for industrial wastewater treatment, paper manufacturing, and textile processing.
  • Benefits: High basicity, rapid sedimentation, and effective removal of contaminants.
  • Specifications: Optimal aluminum content and low impurities, ensuring efficient performance in industrial processes.

Drinking Water Grade

  • Applications: Designed for potable water treatment, ensuring safe and clean drinking water.
  • Benefits: High purity, low residual aluminum, and compliance with international drinking water standards.
  • Specifications: Meets stringent health and safety regulations, providing safe water for consumption.


Why Choose Our Poly Aluminum Chloride?

  • Trusted Quality: Our PAC is manufactured under strict quality control to ensure consistent performance and high purity.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of water treatment applications, from industrial wastewater to potable water.
  • Local Expertise: Tailored solutions for the UAE market, supported by local technical expertise and customer service.


Applications of Poly Aluminum Chloride in UAE

Industrial Water Treatment

PAC is essential in the UAE's industrial sector, particularly in treating wastewater from manufacturing, textiles, and paper industries. Its high basicity and effective contaminant removal capabilities make it an excellent choice for industrial water treatment.

Drinking Water Treatment

Ensuring clean and safe drinking water is crucial in the UAE. Our drinking water grade PAC meets international standards, providing efficient coagulation and flocculation for potable water treatment, making it safe for human consumption.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is poly aluminum chloride used for?

Poly aluminum chloride is used as a coagulant in water treatment processes to remove contaminants and impurities from both industrial wastewater and drinking water.

How does PAC benefit industrial water treatment in the UAE?

PAC enhances the removal of contaminants and reduces sludge volume in industrial wastewater treatment, making it a cost-effective and efficient solution for the UAE's industrial sector.

Is your PAC suitable for drinking water treatment?

Yes, our drinking water grade PAC is specifically formulated to meet international standards for potable water, ensuring safe and clean drinking water.


More Information About poly aluminum chloride

For a comprehensive understanding of poly aluminum chloride, including its detailed properties, benefits, and various applications, we invite you to read our article about PAC. This article provides valuable insights into how poly aluminum chloride can meet your specific industrial needs, from automotive parts to medical devices.


Contact Us

For more information about our poly aluminum chloride products and to place an order, contact us today. Our team is ready to assist you with tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

Product NamePoly Aluminum Chloride
TypeInorganic Chemical
Packaging25 kg bags, Bulk
Color and AppearanceYellow to pale yellow powder
Chemical CompositionAln(OH)mCl(3n-m)
Chemical CompositionAln(OH)mCl(3n-m)
Physical PropertiesHigh coagulation efficiency, soluble in water