Pure Phenol Price in UAE. Buying and Selling Phenol


131 Views from Monday 06 Nov 2023
Discover high-quality phenol from Kumho for plastics, pharmaceuticals, adhesives, and more in the UAE. Contact us today for superior performance and consistent quality.
  • Packing : Kilogram
  • Package type : Bag
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Phenol is a crucial chemical compound used in various industries, including plastics, pharmaceuticals, and adhesives. We offer premium phenol from the trusted brand Kumho, ensuring superior quality and performance for your industrial needs in the UAE.


Key Features and Benefits

  • High Purity: Guarantees optimal performance in all applications.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for the production of resins, plastics, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Consistent Quality: Ensures reliable and consistent results across different applications.
  • Strong Solvent Properties: Effective in various chemical processes and formulations.


Phenol from Kumho

Quality Assurance

  • Purity: Kumho phenol is renowned for its high purity levels, ensuring effective and reliable performance in all industrial applications.
  • Consistency: Each batch undergoes rigorous quality control to maintain consistent quality and performance.


  • Plastics and Resins: Used in the production of phenolic resins and polycarbonates, essential for creating durable plastics.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Acts as a precursor in the synthesis of various pharmaceutical products.
  • Adhesives: Key component in the formulation of strong and durable adhesives.
  • Chemical Manufacturing: Used as a solvent and intermediate in various chemical processes.


Why Choose Kumho Phenol?

  • Trusted Brand: Kumho is a leading name in the chemical industry, known for producing high-quality phenol.
  • Consistent Quality: Every batch of Kumho phenol is tested to ensure it meets the highest industry standards.
  • Local Expertise: Our team understands the unique requirements of the UAE market and provides tailored solutions and local support.



Applications of Phenol in UAE

Plastics and Resins

Phenol is vital in the UAE's manufacturing sector, particularly in the production of phenolic resins and polycarbonates used in various industrial applications.


In the UAE's pharmaceutical industry, phenol is used as a precursor in the synthesis of numerous drugs and medical products.


Phenol-based adhesives are essential in the UAE's construction and manufacturing industries, providing strong and durable bonding solutions.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is phenol used for?

Phenol is used in the production of plastics and resins, pharmaceuticals, adhesives, and as a solvent in various chemical processes.

How does phenol benefit the plastics industry in the UAE?

Phenol is a key component in the production of phenolic resins and polycarbonates, which are essential for manufacturing durable and high-performance plastics.
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Is Kumho phenol suitable for pharmaceutical applications?

Yes, Kumho phenol is highly suitable for pharmaceutical applications, acting as a precursor in the synthesis of various drugs and medical products.


More Information About Phenol

For a comprehensive understanding of phenol, including its detailed properties, benefits, and various applications, we invite you to read our article about phenol. This article provides valuable insights into how phenol can meet your specific industrial needs, from automotive parts to medical devices.


Contact Us

For more information about our Kumho phenol and to place an order, contact us today. Our team is ready to assist you with tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

Call Us at:
+971 55 306 4383

Product NamePhenol
Product NamePhenol
TypeAromatic alcohol.
PackagingDrums or tankers.
Color and AppearanceColorless to slightly pink crystalline solid.
Chemical CompositionC6H5OH.
Physical PropertiesToxic, corrosive, and absorbs moisture.